A better approach to medicine that puts the patient first.

In response to ongoing questions about COVID-19

In response to ongoing questions about COVID-19

In response to ongoing questions about Covid, Covid vaccines and boosters, we would like to share some updated recommendations. These recommendations are based on actual data gleaned from peer-reviewed journals, as opposed to the ongoing barrage of conflicting...
Get the Facts about COVID-19

Get the Facts about COVID-19

The current version of the Corona virus continues to be a palpable presence in our community. As you can imagine, we have been staying busy addressing the multiple clinical complications and questions that arise from this very difficult virus. Contune reading to get the facts on COVID-19.



Dr. Lynch and Dr. O’Hare have taken some time to answer the top 10 most asked questions about COVID-19 for you in a new video.

Dr. Kendal E. O’Hare as featured in Cedar Day Living

Dr. Kendal E. O’Hare as featured in Cedar Day Living

Prior to joining Lynch Primary Care, Dr. O’Hare had been practicing medicine for over 10 years with much of her time spent teaching future family medicine physicians. Recently she was featured in Cedar Day Magazine, where she discussed Lynch Primary Care, and Concierge Medicine.