Dear Patient of Lynch Primary Care:
Due to the corona virus and its’ effect on our daily office routine, we feel it would be more prudent and safer for our patients and employees to temporarily decrease the amount of time we are actually in the office.
Therefore, as of 3/26/2020, we will be in the office from 9am to 1 pm Monday through Friday. As always, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, you will still be able to reach us directly by phone until 5 pm. The physicians will be available by phone as always. As stated in our earlier communication, please call the office first before coming in. We are truly trying to limit unnecessary exposure for you, for us and for the community. Most concerns can be handled via the phone or email and we are happy to practice telemedicine whenever necessary as we have done for years.
Please be assured that we are here to help you as always. No matter how the situation with COVID-19 changes and develops, we will continue to be a source of help and guidance for your medical needs.
Thank you again for your understanding and patience while we navigate through this uncharted situation. It is greatly appreciated.
Stay home, stay well and don’t panic. This too shall pass!
The Lynch Primary Care Team